Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wartime Nuclear Radiation Wrap Up Part 4
Parts 1, 2, and 3 are just information the average person should know and simple precautions to take in the event of a nuclear terrorist incident that involves normal fall-out. Becase, in the event of a mass evacuation, many will probably be stranded on crowded and blocked exit highways, these were instructions for protecting yourself in place. It may be safer to hunker down in a place you know, like your home or lake cabin.
These instructions generally do not apply to radiation incidents caused by reactor leaks and "dirty" bombs. The half-life of that radiation is considerably longer than that of fall-out. Before anythng happens, as part of your disaster preparadness, it would be a good idea to look up your local radiation emergency center personnel and find out how to get information from them during an emergency.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wartime Nuclear Radiation (Part 3) Calculating Your Exposure
The wartime military nuclear occupation types use a rule of thumb for calculating personnel radiation exposure called the FIT forever rule. This rule essentially states:
The total radiation exposure, if you stayed in the radiation area forever equals five times the intensity of the radiation at the time of entering the radiation area times the time since the nuclear detonation.
I have a quibble with this with the definition of time since detonation. In reality, all that stuff that goes up (people, bridges, grocery stores, etc) takes a while to come back down. In fact, a significant level of injure and death is caused by people staring up at the mushroom crowd, only to be hit be rocks, cars, and other hard objects. Think Tornados. We will talk about this in Part 4. The definition of time you should use is H+1 or H+2, depending on the size of the bomb. The real definition will be based on the disaster broadcasters that will give you the time of maximum radiation in your area. That would be H-max. If you dont have H-max then use one of the other Hs.
The FIT forever calculation is used as follows:
Given example -- H occurs at 9:00 am 0n 9/11/12.
Hmax occurs at 10:30am on 9/11/12
The intensity at Hmax is about 3000 rads/hour
If you can stay under good cover, essentially radiati0n free until
T = 5:30pm 9/11/12
After 7 hours, or at 5:30, the radiation level will be about 300Rads/hour
You would recieve: 5 x 300 Rads/hour x 7 Hours
or 10,500 Rads if you stayed forever, enough to bring you to room temperature.
If you re-entered the shielded area at 12:30 am on 9/12/12,
and stayed forever, you would avoid 5 x 30 Rads/hour x 14 hours or 2,100 Rads
To continue, if you had stayed shielded until 6:30 on 9/12/12, you would accumulate a radiation dose of 5 x 3 Rads/hour x 21 hours or 315 Rads for the rest of your life. This is quite survivable, assuming you limit radiation input later in your life. As further example: If you stayed under cover for a day and a half, you would have a lifetime exposure in that area of less than 5 Rads, which brings you into the peace time radiation worker exposure ranges. Calculate it yourself. If you can, you pass.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Wartime Nuclear Survival (Part 2) Fallout radiation
In Part 1, covered the two levels of radiation safety - the current industrial/medical/peacetime levels and the wartime level (after the bomb). Don't let any radiation guru try to con you into following the peacetime numbers. If the balloon goes up or an islamist blows up Manhatten, the radiation levels will be off the peacetime scales. We aren't talking about a nuclear generating station leak, we are talking about the radiactive remains of buildings, people, cars, dogs, grass, dirt etc. blowing in the wind. I can guarantee you that nothing blowing in the wind is going to be less than 2mr in any one hour.
The trick is to get yourself in the less than 25R group at best or 100R group at the worst. Since all care units will be massively overloaded, you don't want a broken arm, the sniffles, or radiation sickness much more than the barf stage. There won't be anybody there to take care of you. At this point, I don't think you will be vary concerned with cancer or two-headed babies. Your one aim in life is to survive. And survive you can!
Fallout radiation is not quite like the industrial or powerplant radiation you are "used" to. Fallout radiation IS made up of vaporized people, dogs, cats, cars, buildings, trees, lakes sidewalks, and schools. The average tenth-life for fallout is about 7 hours. In plain English, it will DECADE every seven hours after the radiation peak. e.g. If the radiation has peaked by midnight, by 7:00am it is one tenth what it was. By 2:00pm it will be 1/100th what it was at midnight. By 9:00 that night it will be 1/1000 what it was at midnight. Further, if the radiation was 1000R at midnight, it will be about 1R at nine the following evening. You can last a lot longer at 1R than at 1000R. This is where TIME, DISTANCE AND SHIELDING come in. Can you dig a hole six feet deep. Can you cover it with a board and lay in it for one or two days? You can if you want to live. It isn't that hard.
Even if you can't dig a hole, you can at least get to the center most point of your house.That should be at least 12' - 16' beneath the roof and probably a minimum of 10' from any outside wall. Tape up all your windows and doors and place your most massive flueniture between yourself and the outside. One radiation safety trick is to use distance to reduce the radiation intensity. The radiation intensity varies inversely with the square of the distande from the source. That means if you can move 10 feet from a radiation wall or ceiling, you can reduce the intensity by 100. If I had a wooden floor house, I would cut a hole in the center and start digging. You can always repair the hole in the floor (unless you are dead).
Wartime Nuclear Survival (Part 1) Basics
Nuclear Basics
Radiation safety and personal survival depend on three concepts:
1. Time -- The length of time you are exposed to the radiation
2. Distance -- How far you can get from the radiation source
3. Shielding -- any solid object you can put between you and the source of radiation.
Because I am an old phart and do not see the use of the new units (SI) used to describe radiation when they are harder to remember and don't add anything to your safety, I will use the unit Radiation Absorbed Dose (RAD). All those other sieverts, greys, etc were established to entice all the countries of the "civilized" world to participate in the new SI system, designed to restrain trade from the US.
The international entities and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have established radiation exposure limits for PEACETIME radiation exposure. They are based on the genetic pool background exposure concentrated and divided amoung radiation workers. Those limits are (but not limited to):
2mr in any one hour
100 mr in any one week
1250 mr in any one quarter
5000 mr (5R) per year
total of 5R for each year over the age of 18
Because this was once based on the gene pool, womyn and minors were restricted to 1/10 of the allowed dose. However, since womyn's lib, they takes the same chance as the rest of us.
Here is what you gotta know:
25R An experienced blood chemist can begin to detect changes in blood.
100R Some folks are going to start to get sick.
200R Half of those exposed will get sick.
400R Everyone gets sick, half die.
600R Almost every one dies.
1000R Believe it or not, there are a small number still around.
Don't count on any of them being you.
What are things really worth?
Fungible: A good or asset that is interchangeable with other goods or assets of the same class, generally for trade or commerce purposes.
Common fungible commodities on the world market are oil, gold, wheat, and corn. Outside the fact that The United States produces about half its petroleum internally, the US produces and exports the other commodities on a worldwide basis. For years, we have watched our dollar be manipulated by world and US traders; watched its value diminish on the world markets. The interesting thing about these four commodities is that you can't eat gold or oil, and the US is the largest producer in the world of wheat and corn, and rice, and soybeans, and ad infinitum.
In 1996, the following commodity prices approximately prevailed in the world markets: oil $40/bbl
gold $400/toz
wheat $3/bushel
corn $4/bushel
Using 1996 as a base year:
1bbl oil = 1/10 toz gold = 10 bu corn = 12 bu wheat.
In late may of 2011, oil was at $99/bbl. Gold is as high as $1600/toz, wheat was $5.25/ bushel,a nd corn was &7.60/bushel - and the dollar was down 20% for the year.
I propose we all write our congress critters (it is no use talking to our worthless president) and that congress enact a foreign exchange act that demands that transactions in all fungible commodities be accomplished using fungible commodities, with the trade values being set by a formula similar to above, but determined by the FTC or Department of State.
Those oil extorting countries are going to get mighty hungry trying to eat their oil and hoarded gold. Since the PRC is also an energy importer and food exporter, they might like to jump on the bandwagon with us.
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